Pang Joe Yee
What school are you from?
I come from SMK Bukit Mewah
Which state are you represent?
Negeri Sembilan
Which Coach are you training under?
I have 3 Coahes; En Lee Chin Chee, En Lim Kim and En Leo Khee Heng
Who is your school coach?
My School Coah is En Lee Chin Chee
What are your other hobbies besides your sports?
Reading,listening music and web researh
What was your most memorable race? E.g. which meet, event, time?
My first time International Competition in 2ND International Youth Wushu Championship,Indonesia on ( Dec, 2008 )
What are your dreams and aspirations in the coming future?
I hope can be a national Wushu team member and perform my wushu in international stage and bring good result for my family,society and country.
When did you start to compete and what is your achievement then?
My first competition is Kej Seni Mempertahankan Diri 2004 at Ipoh Perak.At the time,I also get my first medal ( silver ) in Daoshu event.
Who's your role model/inspiration(s)?
I have few inspirations like my family support,my coahes always develop my performance give me confidence and my associations and MSN encouragement.
What's one advice that someone gave you then you apply during training and races?
" Life have so many changes but u never know when will reach: so u cannot relax your forces during training and races".
What are your international experiences?
2ND International Youth Wushu Championship, Indonesia ( Dec 2008 )
What is your personal best now?
Silver – Doashu – 2ND International Youth Wushu Championship Indonesia ( Dec 2008 )
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