Zaira Bt Zakaria
What school are you from?
SMK Tunku Anum Tunku Abd Rahman, Jitra
(Form 1 – 3)
SMK Bukit Jalil
Which state are you represent?
Kedah Darul Aman
Which Coach are you training under?
National Level – Mr. Lin Zin Hui
Mr. Zakaria Yusof
State Level - Mr.Mat Nor Osman
Who is your school coach?
Mr. Mat Nor Osman
What are your other hobbies besides your sports?
What was your most memorable race? E.g. which meet, event, time?
Sukma 2008, Terengganu
What are your dreams and aspirations in the coming future?
Break Down Commonwealth Record
When did you start to compete and what is your achievement then?
2001 when I 13 Years Old. ( Snatch – 30 Kg, Clean and Jerk – 35 Kg )
Who's your role model/inspiration(s)?
Popora Valentino
What's one advice that someone gave you then you apply during training and races?
My coach advice. “Stronger mind, stronger bodies”.
What are your international experiences?
1) Commonwealth Championship, Samoa
2) Asia World Cup, Japan
3) Asian Championship, Kazakhtan
What is your personal best now?
Snatch - 72 Kg
Clean & Jerk - 93 Kg
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