El-Said Bin Abd Kader
16 Tahun
What school are you from?
SMK Kudat
Which state are you represent?
Which Coach are you training under?
Sidik Sahak
Who is your school coach?
Yoon Boon Teng
What are your other hobbies besides your sports?
Bola Keranjang
What was your most memorable race? E.g. which meet, event, time?
Little Athletic, Singapore 2008 . L.Jauh (6.24m) , L.Kijang (12.8m)
What are your dreams and aspirations in the coming future?
Mewakili Malaysia ke Sukan Olimpik.
When did you start to compete and what is your achievement then?
10 Tahun ( Lompat Jauh, Lompat Kijang, 100m)
Who's your role model/inspiration(s)?
Jonathan Edward (Great Britain)
What's one advice that someone gave you then you apply during training and races?
Sentiasa berdisiplin dalam menjalankan latihan.
What are your international experiences?
Little Athletic, Singapore 2008.
What is your personal best now?
Lompat Jauh (6.52m) , Lompat Kijang (13.77m)
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